Requesting Support


We ask colleagues help us to prioritise by only considering making a Request for Support where it is a clearly evidenced  priority for the child.  We also request that the reasons for this prioritisation are submitted along with the evidence of the action already taken to support their speech, language and communication needs  This will help us to make an informed judgement at Triage.

Requests for Support will be accepted from:

  • 0-19 Team, Early Help Practitioners and EY setting SENCos where practitioners have met the family / child, and have provided initial advice/support. This should be clear in the information submitted.  If the Request for Support is based on reported information rather than observations, the service will signpost to the website in the first instance
  • Paediatricians
  • GPs
  • Referrals will be accepted for children who stammer, and children with voice problems
  • Requests for Support from schools will be discussed at link meetings between school and Speech and Language Therapy

We are working with partners to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of children and young people in the safest way possible.

Thank you for your patience - you can access the request for support forms below.

Request for support for children not yet in school - PDF

Request for Support for children not yet in school - Word

Request for Support for children in school  - Word

Request for Support for 16-19 year olds - Word

Follow the link below to view how a child's speech and language skills typically develops. Doing this before contacting our helpline may help us understand what areas you are concerned about.



Feeding and Swallowing

Many Speech and Language Therapists are trained to assess, diagnose and treat children's feeding and swallowing difficulties, as well as their communication skills.


If you are concerned about a child’s feeding or swallowing please contact our helpline on 0161 206 2509 to talk to one of our specialists. They will advise you on what to do next and how to 'Request Support'.


Support for Early Years setting

Click here if you would like more information about how our team of Communication Development Workers can support your setting.


We now provide advice and support for families and professionals in a wider range of ways.

Please contact the service via the Helpline (0161 206 2509),or website (  for  information and support or if you have any queries. 


Need help filling in your request for support form?

Click below for our helpful ‘crib sheets’ for primary school and high school.

Primary age



High school age