7 - 11 Years


  • At 7 - 11 years of age your child should be able to understand words that have more than one meaning / multiple meanings, e.g. 'solution' can mean the answer to a problem, or a liquid.

  • They should be able to understand some implied or suggested information in stories and conversations.
  • They should begin to understand sayings (metaphor) and other abstract meaning, e.g., 'you are my sunshine', 'it was as clear as mud'.
  • They should understand words relating to time, e.g., before, after, yesterday, this evening, etc.
  • They should remember 3 or more items in short term memory.
  • They should understand and use question words, e.g. who, when, why.
  • They should be able to follow a story without having pictures present.
  • They should be learning new words in the classroom and can make some links between related information.
  • Your child should be making only a few errors with the grammar of spoken sentences so sentences sound correct.
  • They should be able to relay a sequence of events or quite complicated stories.
  • They should have a growing awareness of others' points of view and opinions.
  • Their immature errors with pronunciation are less. Speech is understandable.
  • Speech sounds being used at this age: th and th (voiced and voiceless). 
  • Common/ typical errors heard at this age: Brother becomes brover, thin becomes fin. 
Adapted from: EIF Early Intervention Framework with Input from National Literacy Trust and Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists